Pictured are four plants from my Spencer W. Kimball Garden. President Kimball (1895-1985) said we should plant a garden, so following the letter of the law rather than the spirit of the law, at the first of May, I planted (at Dallas and Shannon's house so Vinny and Owen could watch things grow) 2 pumpkin plants, a zucchini plant, 2 spaghetti squash plants, 7 mini-watermelon plants, a half dozen sunflowers that were supposed to grow to 14 feet, but are only about 5 feet tall, and a half dozen very interesting red sunflowers that often look black. I don't have a green thumb--or the black thumb of death; I have a brown thumb--my plants don't die--they just wish they would. For example, my zucchini plant is about the size of a large salad bowl--I think most people have zucchini plants the size of Volkswagens. I've harvested a few zucchini, and 3 spaghetti squash are growing, but until a few days ago, there were no pumpkins or watermelons--because, I think, there were no bees. But finally I spotted two pumpkins (in the photos) on one of the plants and two watermelons (the large one is pictured) on two plants. I just h0pe we don't get an early frost. (For size comparison, it's a dime in the pumpkin and watermelon photos.)
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We love the garden!
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